Friday, October 24, 2008

This post is for my CIS class : ) I do indeed have a functioning blog of my own, but due to my now ridiculously intense nursing curriculum, I rarely update it.

Enjoy !

-Chelsea (Butts) Adams

Friday, June 6, 2008

I got my hair cut once again. The end.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The weather was slowly getting warmer and pleasant and now I sit here to see specs of snow falling to the ground. It makes me want to cry... its f#$%@$%$@! april. APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL I want to bury myself in the covers and sleep through this miserable climate.
I'm on the verge of insanity and that is no exaggeration.

Somewhere else someone is complaining that it's too hot... probably an oversized tourist in florida who is embarrassed of their foopah sweat leaking on to their flourescent fanny pack.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I often think about who I am and why I do the things I do. This fall I got really interested my results of the Meyers-Jungg personality test I had to take for Abnormal Psychology. I was rated as an ENFP. (Extravert Intuitive Feeling Perceiving) I took various forms of the test and literally all of them characterized me as this dreaded ENFP. Upon looking at the traits of someone who is an ENFP, I was literally taken aback at how accurate they were. I'm not talking accurate in the sense of "oh that applies to me." More like accurate in the sense of "all of these apply to me." The most striking thing was that ENFPs tend to get along with members of the opposite sex easily. You might think this to be something that applies to many people, however, ENFPs feel comfort in the company of those of the opposite sex. Growing up, and even to this day, my male friends most certainly outnumber my female friends. The female friends I do have are not within the spectrum of overly effeminate females.

Anywho, as I'm sitting and thinking I realize that my M.O. is often feeling based. If I have a bad feeling about something, I'm less inclined to participate in it. Practicality is boring. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's something that I feel quite often. People who dress practically, live practically, talk practically. It's not that I am drowning in excess, but muted floral wearing women and egg shell off white painting house wives depress me. I see men in corporate attire dancing around their words but not expressing anything to get anywhere... It literally bothers me. I realize all these things now. I've sat in stark white classrooms with flickering flourescent lights and I am overcome with a sort of depression that I cannot describe. Aside from economic responsibility, this is why I hate shopping at wal mart. The store is filled with practicality. I will mention that practicality is not a euphemism for "poor." I've encountered plenty of people without a dime that are more enriching and colorful than those with copious amounts of money.

Basically everything I do is influenced by my environment. I sat at the bank with off white walls and people obsessed with practical things and it drove my crazy. Cutting coupons, gossiping about celebrities, chatting about good carpet cleaners...They were what society wanted them to be, I refuse.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Faux Spring

I had my first iced coffee of 2008, thus signifying the start of spring. (granted it was 10 degrees outside) I've rid myself of all that is winter. My first step is refusing to wear a coat. This may seem impractical to most, but I've decided that mother nature will hasten her progression towards spring if she sees that one of her "flower children" lacks outerwear.
Paul and I headed to Fargo last weekend and had quite a wonderful time. We spent the day shopping at culinary specialty stores and he picked up a sweet pair of "vintage" nikes. (those sweat shop workers sure produce some fancy kicks) While were in Fargo, we met up with a friend we know off of the internets. It's quite odd to meet someone in person when you are used to staring at an avatar. We were a bit apprehensive at first because you never quite know what sort of weirdo hides behind an internet persona. Fortunately, Jamie turned out to be a pretty normal guy living a pretty normal life. We sat in Barnes and Noble and chatted over coffee for a few hours. After B & N we headed to the thai restaurant where we went last year for our anniversary. In addition to our entrees, we ordered some food to go so we could have thai for lunch the next day. Overall, the trip was so much fun, we listened to "America" the John Stuart mock academic textbook on the history of the United States. When discussing the Boston tea party, they had a commentator (in a period accurate british accent) exclaim "Those tea drinking motherfuckers!" (picture the queen of england uttering such a phrase.)
Also, after wrestling with my apple wireless keyboard for god knows how long, I finally purchased the new brushed aluminum wired keyboard. I have to say that as I am typing now, my fingers are having what I will describe as "digit-orgasms." So if you were considering purchasing the new keyboard, but were taken aback by its thin and minimalist design, trust me, its quite ergonomic and worth the 50 bucks.

Also, paul and I bought matching aprons... if there were a culinary counterpart of "Best in Show" ....

Happy Spring to everyone , ND will encounter spring in about oh 2 months.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


As most of you know, I'm a little bit of a Discovery Health Channel addict. Our DVR is literally 80% full of medical mini documentaries and reality shows. There was a recent episode of "Trauma , Life in the E.R" that really got me thinking. Let me paint the scenario for you:

A woman is rushed to the E.R. because she is in pre-mature labor and experiencing loss of blood. You see the E.R filled with a NICU team and OB team as well as surgeons etc... The woman is also diabetic,hypertensive, and quite literally hysterical which isn't helping the situation. To make matters worse, she is hispanic and although some of the trauma team is bilingual, she is so disoriented they cannot understand her. You see this beautiful disaster unfold as anesthesia runs in and they prepare to do an emergency c-section. After an intense few moments a screaming bloody baby is extracted from the mother and the NICU teams gets to work helping the premie to breathe. You then see this lovely little clip a few days later with the mother in recovery holding her newborn with a myriad of tubes attached to the infant. The viewer (me) feels a sense of relief. You think, "wow this baby has overcome so much!"

The episode also included gun shots wounds and run of the mill trauma. At the end of each episode they give updates on most of the patients. As I'm reading the text the following sentence scrolls across the screen:

"Baby Armando was discovered to have a rare heart condition and passed away 5 days after his birth."

Immediately the next show cuts in "John and Kate Plus 8" with this cheery little elevator music intro, and I'm left with my jaw on the floor.

What's my point? I guess I or "we" have gotten so used to having these musical motifs to clue us in that something bad is going to occur, similar to a sitcom. We hear these 9 second audio clips of violins suddenly changing to a minor or diminished key pre a tragedy. It occurred to me that if I'm in an ICU fighting to save someone's life and they take a turn for the worse, and pass away ,there will not be a soundtrack of tragic music to lull the pain of death or loss... there will simply be the cold stark reality that the individual no longer exists. I guess I should get used to it really. It reminded me that these shows are real people, these physicians and nurses take on these burdens daily.

Now to brighten the mood a bit, I present to you, "cats in hats " (against their will):

I got my hurrr did

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I've become obsessed with wikipediasurfing. Recently I've read pointless factoids about Clarissa Explains It All which then lead me to Hey Dude and so on and so forth. I also wasted an hour of my life playing one of my all time favorite games Lemmings via a free DHTML version on the internets.

Just as chicken soup might be good for the soul, so is a dose of early 90's nostalgia.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm going to temporarily buy into the hype about macbook air.

It's a real possibility with tax return season upon us. I got a computer last year and Paul is due for an upgrade of sorts. I am quite pleased that he is slowly but surely becoming a mac convert.

In other news, I'm down another 2lbs which is pretty gratifying. I'm also really enjoying my semester. I think I've learned the balancing act that is work/school/marriage. Basically taking yourself too seriously does nothing when trying to multi task.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nutrition is NOT perception unfortunately

I'm watching what I eat, but really, what woman isn't. On occasion I will pick food up from downtown if I'm already in the vicinity. I always felt that grabbing a naked (without tortilla) burrito at Qdoba was a much better alternative to the usual fast food joints. Unfortunately, perception does not magically shave off calories. I got the idea to just look up the nutrition information of what I usually get. I have been doing this recently with things I regularly order. WITHOUT cheese and sour cream, a naked poblano pesto burrito with chicken, pico de gallo, and corn salsa is 650 calories. Granted, the portion size is HUGE and I cannot normally eat all of it. I did some tweaking with their nutrition calculator and if you love cheese and sour cream plopped on your burrito you are talking a 900 calorie meal. If you opt for a tortilla instead of having your burrito naked it adds up to around 1200. Essentially, this is no better eating than a super sized meal from McDonalds. (aside from the added fiber and lack of trans / saturated fats)
I suppose this shouldn't shock me. I cannot tell you how many "all natural" or "healthy" labeled products are filled with excess sugar and sodium.

I dare you to see the truth about your favorite burrito... I'm also assuming these calculations would apply to similar burrito chains:

Monday, January 14, 2008

Things have been absolutely insane between my professional and personal life. (thus my lack of postings) A ridiculous amount of drama occurred at work thus reinforcing my mantra of non emotional relationships with your superiors. I have been told I have an "attitude" as well as a non bubbly unicorns and fairies and hearts pouring out of my mouth personality according to my boss. This because I refuse to accept her as a friend or enable her self loathing. I have always sprung to the aid of those in need. But never those who feed off of others to perpetuate their negative cycles. I was also informed that she is irritated by my "strong personality." I'm sorry that the majority if your employees are satisfied reading marie claire and chatting about the weather. My goals are not to be a military wife nor are they to work at the bank for the rest of my life. If someone has goals and dreams and it makes you feel uncomfortable to hear about them, than you need to re-examine yourself. The problem lies not with my words, but with your internal struggle.

-end of rant

In other news, I got home from class extremely late one evening. I threw down my books and did the usual meet and greet with the animals. Through the commotion of an excited great dane prancing about, I heard a faint meow. I looked down but our cat was not meowing, he was just weaving in and out of my legs. The meowing got a bit more desperate and it sounded as though it was coming from our front door. I opened the door to see a little black cat shivering and meowing in the cold. I immediately picked her up and gave her a warm blanket with some food and water in our guest bathroom. Since that evening she has integrated well within the adams family. She take pleasure in outsmarting the dog and is fearless. We have caught her giving our other cat baths. I have placed found posters as well as reported a found animal to the humane society and military police with no response. As of recent, she has taken to sleeping in odd positions between us on the bed and playing in the sink at 3am. We've temporarily named her noodle.

A long overdue photo post:

Our handy dandy new kitchen organizer! :

Noodle the cat, in all her noodleness:

Bleu and his 3ft bone courtesy of uncle Kenny :

Paul being all paternal with titters the cat: