Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I've become obsessed with wikipediasurfing. Recently I've read pointless factoids about Clarissa Explains It All which then lead me to Hey Dude and so on and so forth. I also wasted an hour of my life playing one of my all time favorite games Lemmings via a free DHTML version on the internets.

Just as chicken soup might be good for the soul, so is a dose of early 90's nostalgia.



Anonymous said...

OMG Way to bring me back Nick Arcade ftw.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Miss Chels.

I forgot that I had the URL to your blog! Thanks for the Nick links...I'm going to have to spend a snowy afternoon sometime watching them all.

Do you guys know how long you'll be in ND? I'll have my MS in May and Andrew (the fiance now, ahh! I proposed to him in November :) will have his in August, and we'll be moving to a TBA place, as soon as someone gives me a job!

Glad to see that you're doing well (minus the lame boss).
