Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I've become obsessed with wikipediasurfing. Recently I've read pointless factoids about Clarissa Explains It All which then lead me to Hey Dude and so on and so forth. I also wasted an hour of my life playing one of my all time favorite games Lemmings via a free DHTML version on the internets.

Just as chicken soup might be good for the soul, so is a dose of early 90's nostalgia.


Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm going to temporarily buy into the hype about macbook air.

It's a real possibility with tax return season upon us. I got a computer last year and Paul is due for an upgrade of sorts. I am quite pleased that he is slowly but surely becoming a mac convert.

In other news, I'm down another 2lbs which is pretty gratifying. I'm also really enjoying my semester. I think I've learned the balancing act that is work/school/marriage. Basically taking yourself too seriously does nothing when trying to multi task.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nutrition is NOT perception unfortunately

I'm watching what I eat, but really, what woman isn't. On occasion I will pick food up from downtown if I'm already in the vicinity. I always felt that grabbing a naked (without tortilla) burrito at Qdoba was a much better alternative to the usual fast food joints. Unfortunately, perception does not magically shave off calories. I got the idea to just look up the nutrition information of what I usually get. I have been doing this recently with things I regularly order. WITHOUT cheese and sour cream, a naked poblano pesto burrito with chicken, pico de gallo, and corn salsa is 650 calories. Granted, the portion size is HUGE and I cannot normally eat all of it. I did some tweaking with their nutrition calculator and if you love cheese and sour cream plopped on your burrito you are talking a 900 calorie meal. If you opt for a tortilla instead of having your burrito naked it adds up to around 1200. Essentially, this is no better eating than a super sized meal from McDonalds. (aside from the added fiber and lack of trans / saturated fats)
I suppose this shouldn't shock me. I cannot tell you how many "all natural" or "healthy" labeled products are filled with excess sugar and sodium.

I dare you to see the truth about your favorite burrito... I'm also assuming these calculations would apply to similar burrito chains:

Monday, January 14, 2008

Things have been absolutely insane between my professional and personal life. (thus my lack of postings) A ridiculous amount of drama occurred at work thus reinforcing my mantra of non emotional relationships with your superiors. I have been told I have an "attitude" as well as a non bubbly unicorns and fairies and hearts pouring out of my mouth personality according to my boss. This because I refuse to accept her as a friend or enable her self loathing. I have always sprung to the aid of those in need. But never those who feed off of others to perpetuate their negative cycles. I was also informed that she is irritated by my "strong personality." I'm sorry that the majority if your employees are satisfied reading marie claire and chatting about the weather. My goals are not to be a military wife nor are they to work at the bank for the rest of my life. If someone has goals and dreams and it makes you feel uncomfortable to hear about them, than you need to re-examine yourself. The problem lies not with my words, but with your internal struggle.

-end of rant

In other news, I got home from class extremely late one evening. I threw down my books and did the usual meet and greet with the animals. Through the commotion of an excited great dane prancing about, I heard a faint meow. I looked down but our cat was not meowing, he was just weaving in and out of my legs. The meowing got a bit more desperate and it sounded as though it was coming from our front door. I opened the door to see a little black cat shivering and meowing in the cold. I immediately picked her up and gave her a warm blanket with some food and water in our guest bathroom. Since that evening she has integrated well within the adams family. She take pleasure in outsmarting the dog and is fearless. We have caught her giving our other cat baths. I have placed found posters as well as reported a found animal to the humane society and military police with no response. As of recent, she has taken to sleeping in odd positions between us on the bed and playing in the sink at 3am. We've temporarily named her noodle.

A long overdue photo post:

Our handy dandy new kitchen organizer! :

Noodle the cat, in all her noodleness:

Bleu and his 3ft bone courtesy of uncle Kenny :

Paul being all paternal with titters the cat: